It has been a while since I've blogged but I've been keeping myself busy with lots of knitting. Particularly knitting socks,
reading books about knitting
socks, watching YouTube videos about knitting socks. For the most part I've been fairly obsessed about knitting socks for quite some time. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to attend
TNNA in San Diego where I was able to take FOUR classes with
Cat Bordhi which just furthered my obsession. Now I first found out about Cat
Bordhi when I picked up her
books on
mobius knitting, I was hooked. When she came out with her
book on knitting socks with two circular needles I was intrigued.
If I had to make a list of famous knitters I would want to meet (because honestly who doesn't have a list of famous knitters they want to meet). Cat and the
yarn harlot would be #1. I know technically there shouldn't be two number ones but its my list and both Cat and Stephanie are on the top of my list. That being said, getting to take classes with Cat was such an awesome experience; she was kind and friendly and so warm and approachable. Her excitement is contagious and although its been a few months since
TNNA I'm still in a sock knitting state of nirvana. Toe-up, cuff down, magic-loop,
DPN's, 2 circulars...doesn't matter Cat's
New Pathway's book has completely liberated my perspective on how to go about knitting a sock. Not only is Cat an amazing knitter and fabulous teacher she has also written a novel by the name of
Treasure Forest. As soon as I got home from
TNNA I ordered it and devoured it over a few days it was fantastic. I highly recommend Treasure Forest it is a captivating story that draws you in and you can't put it down.
As I sat in Cat's classes surrounded by various knitters, designers, shop owners, and teachers I couldn't help but look around to make sure I wasn't the only one totally geeked out by meeting Cat Bordhi. I could seriously go on and on and on about how fantastic she was, how much I learned, how inspired I was etc... it was simply fabulous.
TNNA was filled with fabulous experiences and I was able to meet some amazing knitters. Cat introduced me to
Clara Parkes and I tried not to make an ass out of myself. When I first started knitting I found out about
Knitters Review and I was instantly hooked. While I recovered from shoulder surgery I roamed through the forums and read all the articles; while I begrudgingly worked on various graduate seminar projects for school I would turn to Knitters Review for a quick detour away from academia and post
processual theoretical approaches to household archaeology (say that five times in a row). All along my knitting journey (sorry Bets I used the word journey
hehehehe) I've been a big fan of Knitters Review so meeting Clara was simply cool. Now trying to explain to my husband how exciting it was to take classes from Cat, meet Clara, and then meet a TON of authors during various book signings over the course of the weekend was a tad bit challenging but he was quite happy that I had such a good time. The best part was being there with my dear friend Betsy who was equally excited about all of the various
TNNA booths and
Since TNNA I've been knitting when I can, rolling with the punches that MS throws at me and trying to settle down into my new job....retired archaeologist. I've wanted to be an archaeologist as long as I can remember and I'm blessed that for a good 10+ years I was an archaeologist. My good friend Matt likes to remind me that I'm still an archaeologist but coping with MS, new lesions, further health problems and the death of my career has been rather trying at times. There are days when I think....now what am I supposed to do.....then there are the days when I think "aren't I supposed to be thinking about what I was supposed to do, but huh? what was I thinking." I'm still on the fence as to whether the neurological problems are worse than the physical problems associated with MS so my opinion changes rather frequently. Recently as I slowly accept my current situation I am thankful for the wonderful friends and family that I have in my life and for the experiences I've had so far in my life. The great thing about knitting, and specifically knitting socks is that stitch by stitch row by row not only are you creating something useful but also something beautiful.
Currently I'm rather excited about designing my own patterns for socks and I've been having a great time agonizing over stitch patterns, taking what I've learned from Cat and knitting socks fearlessly. I never thought I would admit it, and I'm sure my archaeology friends will think I'm crazy but there is something about the process of knitting socks that is darn near as fun as archaeology without the occupational hazards of
cactus, cactus,
morning glory covered cactus, cactus, cactus oh and did I mention cactus? Where I spent most of my career doing fieldwork always involved cactus on some level, stepping on it, over it, moving it aside to look for sites, you name it it always involved cactus. In knitting if you make a mistake you have to rip it out, well in dealing with this particular occupational hazard of cactus you still have to rip it out. While on a sadistic level I miss the fieldwork
terribly I don't miss my relationship with the cactus. Now as I settle into my current situation I'm happy that as far as the future holds I'm fairly certain it will be filled with more yarn and significantly (zero) cactus.